
On 16 January 2013, I published “The Most Lethal weapon of Civil Disobedience” on the Hong Kong Economic Journal. It kicked off the Occupy Central Movement. After around six years, with many events happened in between, together with Professor Chan Kin-man, Reverend Chu Yiu-ming and six others, we were being prosecuted for Occupy Central. I prepared the “First Submission, Last Lecture” and submitted in the trial as my closing submission. This may sum up what I have done in striving for democracy through civil disobedience in the past six years. In my submission, I tried to integrate legal justifications, political beliefs, moral appeal and spiritual calling together. They were also what I have actually experienced in these six years. To the future, I still embrace hope. I see not the powerfulness of the earthly power but the One who writes the history. Even though the path ahead must be rougher and rougher, the night must pass if we can persist.

2 January 2019

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